QGAPS: Out in Academia with Dr. Antonia Randolph
March 9, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Queer Graduate and Professional Students (QGAPS) and UNC Sexuality Studies (SXST) are co-hosting a professional development and heart-to-heart discussion as part of the LGBTQ Center’s "Out in Academia" series, with a focus on navigating gendered and racialized identities in the classroom environment and beyond. Our special guest, Dr. Antonia Randolph, is a brilliant thinker and educator, professor of American Studies courses such as “Gender and Performance” and “Intersectionality,” and author of “The Wrong Kind of Different: Challenging the Meaning of Diversity in American Classrooms.”
A preview from Dr. Randolph: This presentation will draw on my lived experience as a Black queer butch professor to talk about the salience of marginalized identities in the academy. I have successfully used humor, irreverence, and profanity to manage students’ reactions to my identities and to foster deeper understanding of classroom materials. However, these strategies have also backfired for reasons that I will discuss (Randolph 2014). I will end by talking about how my identity as a masculineidentified Black feminist scholar has affected my research on Black masculinity within hip-hop culture.
Dinner will be served! Wheelchair-accessible venue. Graduate and professional students from all departments are welcome! Register by March 7th for a brief & brilliant recommended reading!