Sexuality Studies Program
The Sexuality Studies Program at UNC, housed in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, is the academic home of LGBTQ Studies on campus. We offer an undergraduate minor, which is in the midst of changing to more accurately reflect current intersectional conversations in LGBTQ Studies, particularly emphasizing queer/trans of color critique, transnational understandings of sexuality and gender identity, and grounded in Carolina and the study of sexuality in the U.S. South. Take a look at our current course offerings, and come be a part of LGBTQ Studies at UNC!
Representing Sexuality Studies at Queer FallFest:

A Los Angeles transplant, Professor Jacob Lau (he/him/his) is Director of the Sexuality Studies Minor Program, and Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies at UNC at Chapel Hill. His research interests include cultural studies, trans of color critique, Asian American studies, and masculinities. Professor Lau's nonacademic interests mostly involve quality time with his two cats Hermy and Tonx.